Omega Cancer Warrior Mindset

by Dr. Roy Martina


The Holistic Revolution: A New Approach To Cancer

Are you or a loved one battling cancer?
Are feelings of fear, anxiety, or uncertainty clouding your path to recovery?

We understand the challenges you're facing, and we're here to offer you a guiding light towards healing, hope, and strength.


Overcome Your Fears, Embrace Healing

Cancer often comes with a barrage of fears — fear of the unknown, fear of treatment, fear of the future. We're here to help you face these fears head-on, with a program structured to address every aspect of your journey. To train your mind, so you become more resilient and no longer see yourself as a victim but as a warrior, being trained to survive and thrive and to stimulate you immune system to protect you better. Healing in a difficult situation, especially when your doctor tells you that your chances of survival are slim or zero, requires total focus on the desired outcome and not to allow fear or doubt to play tricks on you. 

Experience Real Transformation

This is not about hope or a promise; this is about training your mind to heal your body in the best way it can, by awakening the immune system to the most optimal level. In the 45 years that Dr. Roy Martina has been working with cancer patients, countless individuals have reported remarkable improvements and positive outcomes in their health journeys, often beyond expectations, by adopting mind training techniques and a holistic approach.


Omega Cancer Warrior Mindset

Unlock Healing Powers Within You

The medical specialists operate within their learned reality and can do only what they have been trained in at the university. They often overlook what the mind can do, perhaps because it is not a focus of their research. One of the most renowned holistic oncologists, Dr. Carl Simonton, demonstrated through scientific research that visualization can be more effective than chemotherapy and radiation, significantly increasing survival rates. Dr. Roy Martina has taken this a few steps further, creating a radical approach to cancer based on hypnosis, acupuncture, breathwork, and more. With over 45 years of experience working with patients, Dr. Martina has developed a groundbreaking program that combines science, spirituality, and the mind's incredible potential. Imagine a program that empowers you to take control of your healing journey, harnessing the remarkable power of your mind to support your body's fight against cancer. 

What's Included In The Journey...


Four Main Modules

The core of this program consists of four main modules, meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive healing experience: 1) Cancer Warrior Mindset, 2) Becoming Stronger, 3) Connecting Deeper, and 4) Support. Throughout these modules, you will access a variety of resources, including:

  • Over 21 hours of audio content.
  • Powerbreaks and Guided Meditations to help align your energy daily.
  • A 9-hour Sleep Audio designed for subconscious reprogramming during the night.
  • Karma Burning Breathing Session focused on releasing emotional blockages.
  • Tapping sequences, each accompanied by a flowchart for easy understanding.
  • Audio tracks embedded with healing frequencies to foster an optimal brain state for healing.
  • A series of 7 unique Activations, each tailored for deeper mind opening and activating sleeping healing potentials.

These modules integrate various techniques to create a holistic approach, ensuring every aspect of your journey is supported.


Specialized Modules for Surgery, Radiation, and Chemotherapy

Our program includes specialized modules tailored for those undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

  • Start these modules at least one week before and continue for at least one week after your procedure.
  • They offer targeted support and guidance during these critical phases.

These modules are crucial for providing focused support, helping to navigate these challenging times with greater ease and confidence.


Daily Rituals for Healing

Establishing daily rituals is vital for consistent progress and healing.

  • Begin each day with an activation and guided AM audio.
  • Follow with the Anti-Cancer training audio and Karma Burning deep breathing.
  • In urgent situations, increase Karma Burning sessions.
  • Powerbreaks before lunch and in the afternoon.
  • Engage in different guided audio sessions depending on the module.
  • End the day with the 9-hour Omega Sleep Healing Journey audio for restful sleep.

These rituals offer consistent support and empowerment, designed to accompany you at every step of your journey.


Additional Resources

Complementing the main modules, additional resources are provided to enhance your healing journey, including:

  • Techniques for visualizing food, liquids, and vitamins as anti-cancer agents.
  • Strategies for nourishing relationships with family and friends.
  • Guidance on connecting with angels and recognizing their presence.

These resources are designed to fortify your mental and emotional wellbeing, crucial for your overall healing process.

This Journey Is For You If...

  • You're seeking to cultivate a mindset that actively supports your body's natural healing processes.
  • You're open to mind training techniques to enhance your immune system's effectiveness.
  • You're committed to investing time and effort into your health and wellness journey.
  • You want to understand and leverage the power of visualization and belief in healing.
  • You're interested in exploring the deeper subconscious factors and potential emotional causes behind your condition.
  • You're looking to transform and manage your emotions as part of your healing process.
  • You're open to incorporating elements like forgiveness, self-acceptance, and love into your recovery.
  • You're curious about or willing to explore spiritual assistance, such as the help of angels, in your healing journey.
  • You're ready to engage with a comprehensive program combining modern mind-body practices with holistic wellness strategies.

I'm Dr. Roy Martina MD

After treating thousands of patients as a Holistic Medical Doctor for more than 40 years, teaching worldwide to doctors, therapists and health coaches (12 countries), writing 88 books, I have developed a special healing and rejuvenation toolbox with diverse techniques. This toolbox I call Omega Healing, it is influenced by my studies of Eastern medicine (acupuncture, Qigong, self hypnosis, breathing sessions, chakra balancing, etc.) and backed up by years of testing, research of thousands of persons and feedback of doctors, patients and health professionals. I have developed new therapies and taught these to over 100,000 persons worldwide. My book 'Emotional Balance' became a world bestseller.

What I came up with is an easy-to-use yet extremely effective system that can help you thrive, no matter if you are healthy and want to stay in a good shape or if you are sick and need support in your healing process. 

In my last 45 years, I have supported numerous cancer patients, empowering them to stand their ground and transform into peaceful warriors in their battle for survival.


Omega Cancer Warrior Mindset

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Enhance your journey by joining our exclusive community! Here, you can connect with others who are on the same path, share experiences, and find support. Plus, get the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance directly from holistic medical doctor Roy Martina himself. For just €25 a month, gain personal support and invaluable access to our 'Omega Cancer Warrior Mindset' community. This is your chance to be a part of a group that truly understands and supports your journey.

Community Access



Connect with Our Healing Community…

Join our exclusive community and unlock a world of support and wisdom on your healing journey:

  • Shared Experiences: Connect with others on similar paths, sharing stories, challenges, and triumphs.
  • Direct Access to Expertise: Benefit from the guidance and insights of Dr. Roy Martina, a holistic medical doctor with 45 years of experience.
  • Continuous Support: Find motivation, encouragement, and answers in a safe and nurturing space.
  • Enhanced Growth: Learn from the collective wisdom of a community dedicated to overcoming cancer challenges and fostering healing together.

This community is more than a group; it's a circle of support, understanding, and collective healing. By joining, you're not just accessing a resource – you're becoming part of a family that grows stronger together.